City of Summerville Councilman Joe Money said that in “response to lots of people are asking about the stolen funds from the City of Summerville” he posted the following pledge on his Facebook page:
Citizens of Summerville: I just like you look forward to hearing the results of the GBI Investigation into the missing Santa in Uniform funds & possibly other funds at the City of Summerville. I will spend the remaining time I have left on the City Council making sure the loop holes at the City that allow for money to be stolen is corrected & that those involved are held accountable.
Money told AllOnGeorgia, “it’s important for citizens to know that adjustments are being made to keep this from happening again.”
Organization leaders from the Santa in Uniform program, city officials, and countless Chattooga County residents are awaiting ANY developments on the case of the stolen Christmas charity funds that has expanded to include other funds. According to law enforcement spokesman, Lt. Brian Ozment, they should be prepared to wait much longer. Floyd County prosecutors have taken over the case after Chattooga County DA’s recused themselves due to a conflict of interest. It turns out that the DA’s office could suffer some financial fallout due to the case and therefore is a potential victim of the crime. And now, due to a massive back log of cases within the GBI, the Grinch who stole Christmas case will sit on a shelf for months before the investigation moves forward.