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Shannon Whitfield Calls on Legislative Delegation for Binding Referendum on Walker County Ballot in 2018

Shannon Whitfield, Republican nominee for Walker County Sole Commissioner, has heard the voice of the citizens of Walker County and will encourage the legislators to follow the will of the
people of Walker County to place a binding referendum on the ballot in November 2018 for a vote on a board of commissioners or sole commissioner.

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If the referendum passes for a board of
commissioners, then new commissioners could be elected as early as November 2020, and hold office starting January 1st, 2021.

“The vote was crystal clear; the citizens of Walker County want a board of commissioners, and they are looking for Shannon Whitfield to be the last Sole Commissioner of Walker County,”
stated Mr. Whitfield. “People have lost confidence and trust in the sole (commissioner) form of government because we’ve not had transparency and accountability for a long time in Walker
County government.”
“I think a 75% straw vote in favor of a board of commissioners sends a very clear directive to our local delegation. I very much look forward to working with Senator Mullis, and Representatives
Tarvin and Deffenbaugh on this issue,” Mr. Whitfield explained.

“My hat is off to the leadership of both the Democrat and Republican Party for putting this issue on the ballot for a straw vote. I’m calling on both parties to now pass a resolution supporting
the vote, and I call on the legislative delegation to honor the vote by putting the question on the ballot in 2018,” said Shannon Whitfield.
In actuality, the sole commissioner has no active role in the legislative process in the State of Georgia to get this binding referendum on the ballot, but it appears (according to at least one legislative delegate) that the sole commissioner’s opinion does carry significant weight with the legislators’ decision to bring it to the floor of the general assembly in January of 2017.

Visit Shannon Whitfield’s website: for information concerning his
campaign for Sole Commissioner of Walker County.

South Summerville Baptist
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